Why Prenuptial Agreements Are More Important Today

According to The American Psychological Association, about 40% to 50% of American couples divorce. These divorces can get very ugly if there are no set agreements beforehand on the division of assets. That is why prenuptial agreements are becoming more common. Short for a prenuptial agreement, a prenup is a legally binding contract two people…

5 Important Facts About Prenuptial Agreements

No person should get married without a prenup. Prenuptial agreements ensure that when things go south in the marriage, both parties are protected. Here are some important facts about prenups: The Prenuptial Agreement A prenuptial agreement is a private agreement executed before a couple marries that specifies how their assets will be divided in the…

5 Common Reasons People File For Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is an unfortunate reality for many people these days. Several options exist when it comes to the types of bankruptcy that might be best suited for your financial needs. Working with a skilled and experienced bankruptcy lawyer will help make the process easier to understand and navigate from start to finish. The place to…

What Does a Bankruptcy Attorney Do?

Bankruptcy attorneys work with debtors to help them get out of debt via the bankruptcy process. Being in an overwhelming amount of debt can be scary. It doesn’t help when a family can’t afford their living expenses. Over 6,000 people are thrown out of their homes due to eviction each day in the United States.…

5 Estate Planning Myths

Getting started with estate planning can be difficult — writing a will and planning for the distribution of your assets after death can be an emotionally fraught experience. More than half of all Americans don’t have a will or plan for the distribution of their assets. While no one enjoys contemplating death, creating a solid…

Here’s What You Need to Know About Legal Separation

Nearly forty to fifty percent of American marriages end up in divorce. But before you lawfully divorce your partner, there are better options to consider. First, there is therapy. If this does not work for both or either of you, then try filing for legal separation. Separation, unlike divorce, means the spouses live in different…

Is Hiring a Bankruptcy Lawyer Worth It?

Deciding to file for bankruptcy can be painful. It is a complicated and tedious process that acts as a measure of the last result for individuals and businesses in financial distress. Statistics from the Administrative Office of The US Courts show that there were 682,263 bankruptcy filings in 2020, with non-business filings representing 96.7%. As…

5 Reasons to Hire a Probate Attorney

77% of American adults believe that will writing and estate planning is vital for everyone, regardless of your wealth or income levels. Sadly, 55% die without a will or an estate plan, while 71% do not have an up-to-date will. If the deceased loved one appoints you as an executor of their estate, you may…

6 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Divorce Lawyer

Sometimes life can throw you a spanner in the works. When you got married, you may have vowed to stick with your partner through thick and thin. But due to irreconcilable differences, you may now be considering a divorce. If you’re planning to file for legal separation, representing yourself in court may sound like a…