Bankruptcy attorneys work with debtors to help them get out of debt via the bankruptcy process. Being in an overwhelming amount of debt can be scary. It doesn’t help when a family can’t afford their living expenses. Over 6,000 people are thrown out of their homes due to eviction each day in the United States. A bankruptcy attorney can help a family find a little breathing room by helping them get a clean slate financially.
Discovering Eligibility
Each state has different rules on who can file for bankruptcy. Additionally, there are several types of bankruptcy to consider. A bankruptcy attorney first and foremost helps a person discover if they qualify to file for the legal protection bankruptcy provides. Secondly, if a person wants to use a bankruptcy attorney, the lawyer will walk them through the process. The attorney will help determine whether spouses should file for bankruptcy together or independently.
Selling or Protecting Assests
During the bankruptcy process, the attorney helps a person decide which assets should be sold. Should someone keep their house? Car? Second property? In some states, certain assets must be sold, such as boats, motorcycles, or recreational vehicles. In other states, a person’s vehicle may not be considered an asset if they live in it. These are all questions and issues that bankruptcy attorneys can help address.
Protecting Debtor’s Rights
Bankruptcy laws are complex and involve particular exemptions. A bankruptcy attorney can walk a person through these exemptions and whether the person qualifies. Filing for bankruptcy also forces all debt collection activity to stop. If a debt collector is still reaching out to the person, they are only allowed to do so for specific reasons. Ideally, they should speak to the lawyer first to get their questions answered. The bankruptcy lawyer helps shield people against having more taken from them than they should.
Proper Court Filings
The bankruptcy lawyer fills out all court paperwork accurately on behalf of the debtor. The bankruptcy lawyer files bankruptcy petitions and bankruptcy schedules. Some documents include all assets, liabilities, income, and expenses for individuals or married couples. The bankruptcy attorney will also file proof of bankruptcy fees. The bankruptcy attorney also handles several documents. If the bankruptcy lawyer doesn’t file all bankruptcy documents correctly, the bankruptcy filing can be challenged.
The last thing a debtor wants is for their bankruptcy to be challenged with good cause by a creditor or have the request rejected by the court. It’s, therefore, vital that if a person is considering filing for bankruptcy that they find a local attorney that can help them through the process. Call us today to find the support you need!